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Clik here to view.The following list of frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is meant to provide answers to questions that are commonly asked of our Tax staff.
Are there any other payment location(s) available?The Parkinson Recreation Centre has a drop box located inside the building at their front counter. There are also two night deposit boxes at City Hall. The first is just to the right of the main doors and the second is at the parking lot exit on Doyle Avenue. Payments, via cheque or money order, can be left in these deposit boxes.
- Include the remittance portion of your tax notice, especially if you are applying for the Provincial Home Owner Grant.
- Record your roll number on the face of your cheque so that we can ensure that your account is properly credited.
Appeals & Penalties
Are penalties discretionary?
- No. Penalties are mandated by Provincial legislation and are not discretionary.
I think my taxes are too high. Can I appeal them?
- No, you cannot appeal your taxes, but you can appeal your assessment. Contact BC Assessment at 250 763-8300 or visit online log onto BC Assessment Contact Us
What is the penalty for paying taxes late?
- 5% late payment penalty for taxes outstanding after the first working day after July 1.
- An additional 5% late payment penalty for taxes outstanding after the first working day after the Civic Holiday in August.
Why is the grant amount subject to penalties?
- You can reduce your taxes owing by claiming grants you are eligible for; until you claim the grant the total bill is taxes outstanding.